Tuesday, October 19, 2010

It is my Pleasure to Introduce...

Anthony the Fridge! I think he felt kind of neglected after the post about Henry the Toilet, and that's why he's decided to act up to get some attention. You might be asking yourself, "What could a refrigerator possibly do to act up?!" Well let me show you. Why yes, those are half gallons of milk with the lid off. Why yes, we are holding them upside down without lids on. But why, then, are they not spilling? Because they are FROZEN. That's right. 2 half gallon solid containers of milk. All I wanted was some cereal, but now all I have are 2 huge milk popsicles. Which probably wouldn't taste as delicious as you might think it sounds. We turned down the temperature after that, but we just can't seem to find a happy temperature for it. Either our food doesn't freeze or everything that gets relatively close to it turns into a huge ice block.

In other news, my mom isn't doing very well right now. She just found out she has Bell's Palsy, which more or less means that half of her face is paralyzed for a few weeks until the muscles stop freaking out. She's already requested that we minimize the pirate jokes, but sometimes I just can't help myself. Last night we decided to make a video for her to possibly ease the pain, featuring "Everything She Wants" by her all time favorite- Wham! A little blast from the past for you all. Feel better soon!


  1. Awwww, aren't you sweet? Oh ease the pain it did! However, I feel a response by the mom is necessary: 'all time favorite' might be a little strong for my feelings about Wham, but i do like this song especially and go ahead, sista. Bring on the Pirate jokes.

  2. Holly, you make me laugh. =) Good luck with the fridge. (my stupid computer wouldn't let me see that video but I'm sure if you had a hand in it, it was amazing)
